Monday 3 September 2007

Accept and Proceed

An A1 hand printed graphic diagram that charts average rainfall in the UK between 1971-2000. As you can see on the image above, the graph itself is styled to look a little like a downpour of rain. The bars are plotted directly over the weather station's that they related to, which also gives an abstracted map of the UK.

Accept & Proceed is a design and art direction facility providing print and interactive design for a wide range of sectors including music, fashion, and advertising. Other interesting work from them includes the production of two posters, which are graphic representations of the hours of light and hours of dark during 2007.

“In order to give the piece commercial longevity I decided it best to create a design that would last the year round, explains Johnston. “I worked on the project with designer Stephen Heath, and after much discussion between the two of us we decided upon the idea of producing two posters, which would be graphic representations of the hours of light and hours of dark during 2007.

“As we were dealing with light and dark, the designs use only B&W inks and stocks, although it also seemed fitting to include a phosfluorescent overprint which also shows the information in the dark. After discussing and agreeing the concept, the team looked at different ways to represent statistics for the hours. The posters were designed in Adobe Illustrator and screen printed by hand at K2 Screen in London."

The concept is so strong that the project will continue, with Accept & Proceed producing an annual monochrome representation of the hours of light and dark in the coming years.

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